2025 boston frogman swim
Swim for the Navy SEALs in the 7th annual Boston Frogman Swim on June 8th 2025 (registration opens January 10th in honor of William Blake Marston, SEAL). Be a part of a very special event to raise money for the families of fallen SEALs.
Safety Kayakers
This is a very crucial role that serves as the swimmers’ first safety net in the event of distress. The kayaker escorts and guides an individual swimmer, provides needed assistance, communicates with boaters/wave runners if swimmer needs additional help.
General Volunteers
Our volunteers are a key reason this event has been so successful in the past. There are a variety of roles available at both the start area, on the water and the finish area. Please see our Volunteer registration page to view all the available positions. All volunteers must be registered.
support the navy seals
Honor their memory by swimming in the harbor to remember their sacrifice and help those in need.
Make a corporate donation and get significant business exposure in the Boston market by supporting the swim.
We need safety kayakers, general volunteers and ultimately...swimmers! Make a pledge today.